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AI can do when it merely hears and is able to understand sounds



AI can do when it merely hears and is able to understand sounds

MoveThis shouldn’t come as a surprise to most since AI oversees all types of movements from autonomous vehicles to drones. This is by far one of the most incredible things that AI can do when it merely hears and is able to understand sounds. Forbes writes, “It can detect chemicals called aldehydes that are associated with human illnesses and stress, including cancer, diabetes, brain injuries, and detecting the "woody, musky odor" emitted from Parkinsons disease even before any other symptoms are identified. There are plenty of incredible ways machine vision is used today and it includes self-driving cars, facial recognition, payments and more. It can also respond precisely to responses made by humans it is speaking to as well.SmellAI researchers are in the process of manufacturing AI tools that will be able to detect types of illnesses by merely smelling a person’s breath.” Also, AI bots are able to identify gas leaks or other caustic chemicals.
WriteIt may come as a surprise to you that alongside professional journalists, news outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post and Reuters also rely on AI to write. Here are 14 incredible things that AI can do right now.SpeakBelieve it or now, but AI can also speak.Predict deathResearchers have found a black-box algorithm which helped in predicting patient’s death better than humans. Artificial Emotional Intelligence works by gathering data from an individual’s facial expressions, body language, and more. The scope is endless. But one thing is for sure, this is all pretty incredible. And some of cases, the artificial intelligence is so good that it can compete with humans and beat them as well.CreateOver the last few years, AI has grown so rapidly that it can now create on its own and the processes are endless.As of now, most are aware that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a present part of our daily lives.Read a person’s mindThis is truly amazing and the length AI has come is a testament to this point.Hearing and understandingAI can also detect gun shots by analysing the sound and alerting relevant agencies. In manufacturing, machine vision is widely used to help in predictive maintenance and product quality control. AI can interpret brain signals and create speech. Reports claim that the next step for AI tactility is to link touch with other sensors.Understand emotionsThere are AI tools out there that can track a person’s emotions as they watch videos.
Also, en entire novel has been written by AI that was also short-listed for an award. Also, in day-to-day life, in more practical terms, we have our voice assistants on our phones that respond to our queries whether it may be as simple as asking about the weather or the day’s agenda. As of now, SummarizeBot can be used in Facebook Messenger or Slack and it makes use of natural language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies. AI can make visual art, write poetry, compose music and even take pictures. It then determines an action based on this information.Imagine if these 14 incredible AI skills were all combined into a single super artificial intelligence.ReadBe it news articles, books, weblinks and more, SummarizeBot can make automatic text summarizations using AI and machine learning that not just reads communications but also report back the most essential information. IBM is even using AI to produce new perfumes. That’s why it should come as a little surprise when big tech companies such as Facebook and Elon Musk have their own projects that are ongoing to make the most of AI’s mind-reading potential.. It then analyses it against an emotions database to predict what emotion is being expressed. This was done by using ECG results to sort historical patient data into RG59 cables Suppliers groups based on who would die within the span of a year.DebateIBM Project Debater has proven that AI can even be a great success at debating humans on complex topics. While Siri, Alexa and others can respond to queries and provide you with directions, Google Duplex goes that mile extra and uses AI to schedule your appointments and complete tasks in a very conversational manner.
This AI can not only research a subject; but also generate an interesting point of view and generate rebuttals against a human opponent. This is done using sensors and cameras and the inventor states that it will one day be able to pick up one raspberry every 10 seconds for 20 hours per day. Also, business professionals absolutely love the convenience, efficiency and accuracy that is provided by AI through automated meeting minutes. Scary or exciting? This is up to you to judge.GameAI has also been taught how to play games such as poker and chess.SeeWhile it cannot see how humans do, AI can be used as machine vision to ‘see’ the world, analyse visual data, and make informative decisions about what has been seen. Apart from many "who, what, where, when, and how" formulaic pieces, Artificial Intelligence is capable to expand beyond this sphere to more creative writing pieces as well. Interestingly many marketers are seeking AI to formulate social media posts. This is absolutely amazing for those with speech impairments. There are also robots in Japan that can generate motion autonomously. However, a lot of us would be rather surprised to learn of some of the tasks that AI already knows how to undertake.TouchUsing AI, there is now a robot that can identify the ripeness of fruit and even place them in a basket. Google’s AI was even able to create its own AI child that was able to outperform human counterparts.




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